Sunday, March 15, 2009

God of children

Blessed God of children,

who first loves those who are weak
who hurts when they hurt
and hungers when they hunger
Help us to be prayerful
not just in our thoughts and words
but in our actions
that we may not have generalized prayers for food
but will feed those who are hungry
that they might go to bed with a full belly
god, you have blessed us so abundantly--
help us to bless as well
You say you will provide and sometimes we forget
you provide through us Lord
Open our hearts to the pain in this world
and our eyes to recognize the need in your world
that we might do our part
doing unto that one child
as we would have them do unto us
and loving them
as you have loved us
that we might honor you through our actions
For the health and welfare of children everywhere.

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