Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Man the emotions are high this week

This is it. This is move week. And move I shall. Monday I helped a friend pack and move her house. Today I went to my brother's to pick up the things he's gifting me. Tomorrow I'm actually supposed to go to work (go figure!) and Thursday my movers come to take me to Riverside.

It is at the same time exciting and scary as all get out. I have been nauseous for far too long now--partly stress, partly extreme heat, partly added emotion.

My temper is short and the Uhaul guys were lucky I practice self-restraint because they were ridiculous to work with. I think they know that there aren't a hundred other move-it-yourself stores around the corner, so if go to them, you're stuck with them. So they can make you wait for an eternity and they don't care one iota!

And apparently my cry-response is heightened too. As I tried to finish packing the kitchen tonight I started thinking about unloading the cooler, washing all the dishes (since newspaper smears all over things) and all that other happiness that is moving to a new house and got really overwhelmed. One of my parishioners offered a couple weeks ago for her and her husband to help with whatever I might need. I didn't have any good ideas or places to delegate, so I said I'd let them know. Well, you can bet that when I thought of all the kitchen chores yet to be done, I figured it out! So I called, not sure if the offer still stood or if they'd be willing to help without much notice, especially if it meant driving all the way to Riverside. But, fortunately, she was gracious, and excited even!! And I started to cry on the spot. Grace is such a powerful thing--that undeserved generosity and kindness. Quite frankly, it's overwhelming.

I know that the emotions are only going to get stronger as I say my final goodbyes, take leave from people I love, and enter into the excitement and anxiety of all new relationships and a completely new setting for ministry.

It feels (as if I'd actually know) kinda like having a baby--knowing that your world is going to shift dramatically once *that day* happens, but not knowing fully how. I know I've pastored a church before, so it won't be that unknown, but I will be the senior pastor--the jefa- and that my friends is suddenly REALLY overwhelming!

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