Friday, April 6, 2007

Something's awry

Warning: this one is cynical and edgy...

I just read a note on the bottom of a Sunday morning attendance sign in: "I haven't been here for 11 years--I hope I'm still a member." What?! Something is clearly missing from the membership training/explanation around here when you can NOT be here for 11 years--not a couple of months, not even just 1 year--11 years--count them, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 years you have not been a part of this church community, not worshipping, not doing Bible study, not participating in mission, not calling on people, assumedly not tithing, NOT here for 11 years, and you still consider yourself a member...a member of the Christian family--sure, I'll give you that, member of the body of Christ--you bet, that comes with your baptismal vows...but a member of this church--come on. No wonder we have problems with attendance and participation, you can be GONE for 11 years and still consider yourself a member. In that case, our membership is still probably around 1200 or more--because, of course, though many have left the church, moved, gone else where, simply stopped coming, and though the dead have been GONE, their absence doesn't mean they aren't members--especially since, apparently, membership has nothing to do with active ongoing commitment....

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