Friday, November 30, 2007

Kodak gallery wallets

The other day when my parents and I went to Disneyland, my mom insisted I take a picture with the surfer santa and then use the pic for Christmas cards. At first I thought she was crazy, then I thought it might be kinda fun. So I hopped on Santa's lap and she snapped a few shots. I asked her to send them to me and then I ordered prints from Kodak Gallery. I wanted wallets and when I went to order it said $1.79, but didn't list how many. The 4x6 prints are only $.15 each, so I figured it'd be a sheet of 12. They have a new deal where the prints can be done at a local Rite-Aid (or some such store) and you pick them up the next day. So I went in today to pick up the pics and there were only 4 wallets. That's $.40 each! Maybe that's not a big deal, but compared the pic that is 4 times the size and a third the cost....that's a rip off. I'm debating now whether the pics are worth it period, or should I do 4x6 size for folks, or what. Anyway, the gist is the kodak gallery wallet size prints are not worth the cost! (Though the regular size prints are--good quality, cheap, and reliable).

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