Knowing that I struggle with what our youth group is right now, my brother asked tonight over the phone how it went. I recounted it and he referred me to this site. She too is a pastor and had posted this video (
Her follow up question was then: is this what worship should be?
Now, having just promoted Sister Act 2, it would be hypocritical to say "no". I do believe this is a perfectly legitimate form of worship. However, I WOULD NOT advocate that this is the only way we are to worship. I believe stillness and meditation are just as valuable as dancing and contemporary music. One of the things I have been encouraging one of my congregations to do is to embrace the fact that one of the things we have to offer is diversity of experience--we are bilingual, we are multi-cultural, we are multi-generational, and as we revamp worship, we don't have to trade in all of the "old" for all of the "new". We have the opportunity to do *fusion* worship. We can use the best of both worlds. We don't have to choose either or.
So in direct answer to Rev Abi's question (as a good Methodist)--yes & no. =) Yes, absolutely we can respect and utilize this style of worship, and no, this is not what all worship SHOULD be. But on a more general level, it is what worship could be (and should be) in that it: (1) is engaging (2) encourages people to participate (3) recognizes the importance of the whole body in worship (4) allows *fun* activities (like dancing) to be part of how we honor God (5) is relevant to those who are attending worship.
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